Why do you use the term LGBTQ instead of LGBTQAI/queer/GSM/etc.?

We’ve thought about the issue of language A LOT, vacillating between “queer,” “LGBTQ” and other acronyms. While the term “LGBTQ” isn’t as inclusive as we would like, we try to use language that is accessible and understandable to people everywhere. We use LGBTQ as an umbrella term. Anyone who doesn’t identify as 100% straight or anyone who identifies on the *trans/gender-variant/gender non-confirming spectrum is welcome to be profiled by We Are the Youth.



I’m an ally to LGBTQ youth. Is there a way to participate in the project?

Absolutely! While We Are the Youth only profiles LGBTQ youth* who are 21 years and under, we welcome blog posts by allies of all ages and identities. Email us at hello@wearetheyouth.org to find out more.

*LGBTQ includes anyone who doesn’t identify as 100% straight or anyone who identifies on the *trans/gender-variant/gender non-confirming spectrum.

What is the age-range for project participants?

Because the project is about “the youth,” we have limited participation to people 21 years of age and under. If you’re over 21 and want to get involved in another way, contact us!

Are there other ways to get involved?

If you’re over 21 and want to get involved, you’re a straight ally, or you just feel more comfortable contributing in another way, there are many ways you can participate. We’re always looking for youth write-ups of LGBT events (here’s an example), guest bloggers, additions to our resource page, the list goes on and on. Send us an email, we’d be happy to hear your ideas!

Where will my picture be shown?

Your portrait as well as the accompanying interview will appear on our website, blog and various social media sites (Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc). Your profile may also appear in books, news articles and public art exhibits.

I’m not out to everyone in my life, should I participate in We Are the Youth?

That’s a personal decision. Keep in mind that these photos will be publicly displayed, so that’s something to carefully consider before participating. If you want to participate but are a bit unsure about coming out to the world, we can keep your story anonymous (by not giving your name or location) and take your portrait without giving away your identity.

Can I change my mind about participating after my profile is published?

Yes. If you see your profile on our website or elsewhere on the Internet and decide you now want to keep it private, just send us an email and we’ll take it down.

Who owns the rights to my profile?

Diana Scholl retains copyright to all text and interviews; Laurel Golio retains copyright to all photographs. This means that you cannot sell your portrait or interview to another party, or let someone use it for their own purposes without our permission.

Do you update the interview if my life has changed since we spoke?

The profiles that make up the We Are the Youth are very much a moment in time. It is our hope that the project will be viewed as an archive, a chronicle of the times during which these stories were recorded and shared. If you become uncomfortable with anything in the profile, or uncomfortable with having your profile on the website, we’re happy to remove it but we don’t make edits to the profile to reflect any changes that may have occurred since we interviewed you.

Can you explain the profile captions?

The caption of the profiles posted on our blog as well as on the profile page indicate the participant’s name, age, and the location where they were living at the time we profiled them. The footer at the end of each profile indicates the year and location that the photograph was taken.