The Rewards Have Arrived!
The postcards and magnets have arrived and are being sent to all those that gave on Kickstarter! Thanks again and look for them in November. If you’re jealous of all the people getting these sweet treats, hit us up, THEY’RE FOR SALE! Or kindly donate through PayPal and help us keep the project going strong!
(*$10 donation gets you a magnet!)
Our Kickstarter campaign has come to an end and we are thrilled to announce that it was a success! We raised over $2,000 and will be using that money to travel to Atlanta, GA on October 24th. We’ll be spending a week in the South, driving around Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi, photographing and interviewing queer youth!
The rewards are being ordered as we type, so expect them in November/December! Again, thanks to everyone who donated, your support means the world to us and we couldn’t have made it this far without you!
*For those that donated $50 or more, please email: to discuss your print order!
Let the Fun(ding) Begin!

A few months ago we were contacted by Noah, the president of Mercer University’s Gay Straight Alliance.
Before I left for school my parents told me you shouldn’t tell anyone at school you’re gay. So the first thing I did was find out who was in charge of the Gay Straight Alliance and join it, Noah said when we interviewed him.
As the first step in expanding our project nationwide, we’d like to travel to Georgia to meet with Noah and his classmates and then take a few days to drive around the Southern states, photographing and interviewing other LGBT youth.
We’re hoping to raise a minimum of $2,000 in 35 days through Kickstarter, a website dedicated to funding creative projects. The catch with Kickstarter is that the $2,000 goal needs to be met in order to get any of the money (clever, right?).
So, we’re asking for your help! No amount is too small (or too large). We know times are tough, but even $5 will make a difference (Kickstarter is all about small donations. Plus, you’ll get fun prizes when you donate!
Check out our Kickstarter page here!