Wake Up Call

On September 19, 2010, thirteen year old Seth Walsh attempted suicide after relentless anti-gay bullying at his California middle school. He died on September 29th, after nine days on life support.

aLater that same day, Rutgers University freshman Tyler Clementi jumped to his death after being outed on the Internet by fellow classmates.

Clementi and Walsh’s tragic deaths follow those of Asher Brown and Billy Lucas, both of whom took their own lives earlier this month after enduring anti-gay bullying for far too long.

Gay Teen Takes Life

13-Year-Old Asher Brown committed suicide last week after anti-gay bullying at his Texas middle school. The suicide came after Asher’s parents notified school administrators that their son was being taunted. No action was taken and the school now claims that they never received any calls.

Unfortunately, this story is far too common. Help make a difference by supporting programs such as The Trevor Project, a confidential hotline focused on crisis and suicide prevention among LGBTQ youth. You can reach The Trevor Project 24 hours a day at 866-4U-TREVOR (866-488-7386)