Greetings from Lincoln, Nebraska!

October 13, 2012

Thanks to the generosity of so many, we have embarked on our great Midwest adventure. For the next 8 days, we’ll be traveling, profiling youth, blogging and social networking our way through the Midwest.

We left New York Friday morning, and by 2:30pm were in Omaha, and by 4:45pm we were ready to start profiling youth!

Our first stop was Lincoln, Nebraska, the state’s Capital, home to University of Nebraska-Lincoln and home to Joey, our first participant, a really smart kid on leave from school to volunteer at Bob Kerrey’s Senate campaign.

After hanging with Joey, we ate what is considered by many to be Nebraska’s best wings (delicious), then passed out at the New Victorian Inn (best rated hotel in Lincoln!).

We’re up early this morning to meet with Austin, a local college student, then off to Omaha later today to continue our Midwest adventure. We’ll talk soon, stay tuned!